In spite of being approximately 97% funded by Fees, USCIS announced it was issuing 13,000 furlough notices to USCIS employees, which would essentially shut down the agency. The furloughs were originally to go into effect on August 3, and according to the agency, this was due to lack of sufficient funds to operate. USCIS asked Congress for a 1.2 billion dollar bailout to keep operating. Congress looked into USCIS’ financial revised estimates which showed USCIS was actually projected to end the fiscal year with surplus.
Temporary Good News for US Employers – Furlough Extended:
USCIS just announced on Friday that it has agreed to postpone the furloughs that were to go into effect August 3, until August 31, 2020.
This provides some temporary relief for US Employers who need to file for extensions and for work visas for their valued international workers and executives, but a more permanent solution is still needed.
What US Employers should do: We recommend US Employers contact their business immigration attorney to ensure all visas and extensions are filed for as soon as eligible to ensure USCIS will have personnel to process these petitions. We also recommend US Employers consult with their business immigration attorneys regarding starting the employment-based Permanent Residency process for their eligible employees whom they would like to keep long term.
What we can do to help avoid a USCIS shutdown: This is an opportunity to contact your representatives and let them know that you do not want to see USCIS furlough its workers and shut down.
Please click here for contact information for your Senators: https://www.senate.gov/
There is a search bar at the top that allows you to click your state and it brings you to your senator.
Please click here for contact information for your State Representatives: https://www.house.gov/.

Leyla McMullen
NOT LEGAL ADVICE: This article is for educational purposes only, it is not legal advice that may be applicable to our situation
The information provided here does not constitute legal advice. It is general information regarding law and policy that may be applicable to your particular HR issue or legal problem. Information provided in this blog, or any of our other public posts, does not create an attorney-client relationship. For specific advice you can rely upon, please contact your attorney.