About Us
Underestimating I-9 compliance is a $95 Million Question in current environment. Get educated and take compliance action."
President & CEO Mira Mdivani
Since the 2000s, employers have been paying steep fines and some have even faced criminal prosecution for failure to understand how Immigration Reform and Control Act applies to seemingly mundane aspects of the businesses such as I-9s or recruitment.
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Equipped with corporate immigration law expertise and passion for empowering businesses to do the right thing, in 2009 we created Corporate Immigration Compliance Institute to strengthen business compliance through training. All CICI training programs are prepared and conducted by business immigration lawyers with experience in advising and defending employers and deep subject matter expertise.
Empower and protect employers through corporate immigration training.
Our Goal
Every training is based on experience and expertise of corporate immigration lawyers obtained by advising, representing or defending employers in global mobility, I-9 compliance and IRCA status discrimination matters.
Our Values
Lawyers who lead the training keep up-to-date on latest development in corporate immigration law.
CICI trainees receive personalized service.