ICE is keeping its promise of increased worksite enforcement…On July 24, 2018, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has delivered over 5,200 I-9 audit notices to businesses across the country since January. The news release states that this increased enforcement has been a part of a “two-phase nationwide operation” to determine whether employers are complying with federal immigration regulations.
According to the release, 2,738 of these Notices of Inspection (NOI) were served in just a five-day timeframe, from July 16 to July 20th. With this strategy, ICE is pursuing any and all leads against US Employers. They plan to utilize the full range of investigatory methods, including I-9 audits, to fine and even criminally prosecute US Employers. We have seen ICE issue NOIs on a wide range of employers, including small 10 person shops up to large organizations. We have always known ICE has targeted industries, such as construction, manufacturing, and food processing; however, employers in ALL industries should be cognizant of this influx of enforcement operations. The message from ICE is very clear, which is they are putting full force into worksite enforcement. It is up to the employer to ensure their workforce is authorized AND the I-9s are completed correctly.
To ensure compliance, all companies should establish written corporate immigration compliance plans, policies, and procedures based on ICE practices. If your company has not yet established these plans, policies, or procedures, it is crucial that you take the first step toward compliance by ensuring those handling your hiring are trained on these issues.
Our compliance training and webinars can be found HERE.

Business Immigration Lawyer
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