When you log into E-Verify to verify the employment authorization of an employee, E-Verify immediately lets the user know if there are any changes in the E-Verify process. (This is assuming you are an E-Verify User… and you should be, it is one of the 12 things on ICE Best Practices!)
If you are an employer that does not hire very often, and, in turn, do not E-Verify very often, you may not know about some of the recent changes that have been added to E-Verify. But, no worries, you will know upon your first E-Verify… because tutorials regarding the new additions await you!
Further Action Notice
The Tentative Nonconfirmation Process has been simplified. The TNC Notice and Referral Letter have been combined into one document- The Further Action Notice. In addition, if employees provide an email address on the Form I-9 (optional information), then a new employee email will notify employees when their TNC case is referred to the Social Security Administration or the Department of Homeland Security.
Source: http://www.uscis.gov/e-verify/about-program/e-verify-enhancements/tnc-enhancements
Duplicate E-Verify Case
E-Verify now has the ability to identify when a case is a duplicate. When a case contains the same Social Security Number as a previous case entered by the same employer, E-Verify will alert users. Users can then compare the duplicate case details and decide if they want to close the case or move forward.
Source: http://www.uscis.gov/e-verify/about-program/e-verify-enhancements/duplicate-case-alert
Both of these changes should be very helpful for Employers as they continue to E-Verify their employees. Stay tuned for more updates on E-Verify.
Jessica Haefele
Corporate Immigration Attorney
7007 College Blvd., Ste. 460 | Overland Park, KS 66211
Phone: 913.317.6200
Email: JHaefele@uslegalimmigration.com
Website: www.uslegalimmigration.com